Delimiting Experience

Aesthetics and Politics

Edited by Ryan Crawford, Gerhard Unterthurner, and Erik M. Vogt

(English language)

Cover Among the many notions contested throughout the history of philosophy, few remain as deeply problematic as does the concept of experience. Although the present volume refrains from repeating that gesture by which experience is either uncritically accepted or all too quickly dismissed today, the essays collected here remain the contemporary of those polemics insofar as each seeks to both further determine the limits of experience as well as salvage something essential from that which takes place at the very limit of political and aesthetic experience. Included here are critical readings of such seminal figures as Locke, Kant, Nietzsche, Adorno, Foucault, Fanon, Lacoue-Labarthe, Badiou, and Rancière.
Erik M. Vogt
ISBN 978-3-85132-732-8
14 x 22 , 168 S., € 18,-
Erscheinungsdatum: 19.11.2013
Paperback mit Klappen
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EAN: 9783851327328
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